hutruc@live.com 03.05.2010 04:49:55 (permalink)
Writing for my children 1

Author’s Note:
These are the essays in the series “Writing for My Children” in which I had written for my children and young people a decade ago. I hope these would dedicate in the main purpose positively that guides our children to become good people. With all this hope!


My dear children, Greek mythology said that human being was the last produce of the Zeus. After creating everything, still having some of the clay, Zeus then thought of to knead a new kind of specie walking on two feet , heading up to pay homage, and praise Him: So that human being was born! And this kind of specie was not as strong as others, having no ability to run fast, to fly highly, or to dive deeply into the water, yet they had their wisdom to create those kind of abilities; at the same time they knew how to control other species. In fact, do you my children judge anything? Our human being with our wisdom, thoughts, explores, and we have improved our own lives more than ever. And in the encounter into computer science, the computers in 20th century has made our abilities, our brains being more powerful, longer to speed up the productions, medias or to help much in space and medicine, to bring everyone of every country closing together.

Can’t you judge that: in this world there is no species that have fully ability to be in charge as human beings do? People know how to overcome the situations, nature; knowing how to build the dams, to cut the mountains, to divide the seas in order to creative more favorable ways and conditions for our lives being more sufficient and wealthier. People know how to use the power of water, tide, wind to grin flour; to bring water under the earth, or to transform the power of the falls to become electricity and so on. People know how to use the power of the elephants, cows, and camels for transportation or plough fields. People know how to creative the machines which do the work for human being to improve the productivity highly, as the French thinker Pascal had said: “Human being is a reed, yet a reed that has thoughts.”

My dear children,

Today, you are human beings; don’t you enjoy your human bodies and minds? Don’t you proud with yourselves? I think that you guys should understand and proud that you are human beings. You know what you are doing. You know what you are thinking. You know that you are going to school, and you know how to learn to get the results of the previous, in order to creative the new things for the future. You know what the right things are; to abandon the bad, wrong; to consider the right and wrong. In brief, those things could be said in three words: Truth, Good, and Beauty (The truth—The good—The beauty) which people used to say in philosophy and religions.

My dears,

According to Buddhism, human being is not supreme specie in the universe, yet this needs to have in order to practice and achieve the enlightenment. The human world is Jambudvipa (1). This world has the happiness and suffering; the joy and sorrow, but unhappy is much more than happy! There is Uttarakuru (2), people are bigger in this world and they are very wealthy and civilize. And the people in Purvavideha (3) and Godaniya (4) are short, yet they are also still as intelligent and happy as the others. However, people in those worlds, if they would like to become “enlightened ones”, they have to reborn as human as like us then.

In the six realms of existent or samsara: Gods, Human beings, Asuras, animals, hungry ghosts, and hells, only human beings that could practice to achieve liberation or nirvana.

My true dears,

Dad have written this to prove for you guys to know and understand: How precious is human being? Not only is on the aspect of the species in the mundane world, moreover I have guided you into the religious view in order for you to see: Being human being is not useless. From this, you guys would understand, and value the human bodies truly. You would consider, protect, and take care of both your bodies and minds in order to improve yourselves day by day in progress and make you guys become the people that benifit for yourselves, others, and society in the future.

Viết Cho Con: 1- Được Làm Con Người Là Điều Đáng Quý!
16/04/2010 23:44:00 Nguyên Thảo
Tuệ Uyển chuyển ngữ 18/04/2010


(1) The Southern Continent, one of the four continents, that situated south of Mount Sumeru.
(2)The northern of the four continents surrounding Sumeru.
(3)The eastern of the four continents surrounding Sumeru.
(4)The Godaniya or Apara-godaniya: The western continent of the world, or “western-cattle-giving,” where cattle are the medium of exchange. This continent is situated in the west of Mount Sumeru.
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