Unsung Beauty: Cindy McCain
Nguyên Đỗ 09.07.2008 05:38:24 (permalink)


In the frenzy of the voting season, the media was crazy about Barrack Obama, Hilary Clinton and others.  One person surprisingly left out, almost forgotten is Cindy McCain, the wife of Senator John McCain, the Republican nominee running against new democratic rising star Barrack Obama.

I bet you would have never guessed this one!  No matter your politics.  The media will never tell of this, so pass it on.  
There was an article on April 17th, 2008 in the Wall Street Journal on Cindy McCain, John's wife.  All one ever saw was this attractive woman standing beside John.  I was surprised how talented and involved with world problems she is.  This is a summary of the article. 

She graduated from Southern Cal and was a special-needs teacher. 

At the death of her father, she became involved with his beer distributing firm and is now the chairwoman.  Sales have doubled since she has taken over from her father.

They have a marriage prenuptial agreement, her assets remain separate. 

She is involved around the world clearing land mines - travels to these countries on a detonation team and service on their board.

They have a 19 year old serving in Iraq , another son in the Naval Academy , a daughter recently graduated from Columbia Universit7y , an adopted daughter from Bangladesh in high school, and a son who is the finance guy at the beer firm.

Raised kids in Phoenix , Az rather than Washington DC.(better atmosphere)  He commuted.

In 1991, Mrs. McCain came across a girl in an orphanage in Bangladesh .  Mother Teresa implored Mrs. McCain to take the baby with severe cleft
palate.  She did so without first telling her husband. The couple adopted the girl who has had a dozen operations to repair her cleft palate and other medical problems.

They have a Family Foundation for children's causes.
Senator John McCain was imprisoned in Hoa lo after his airplane was shot down  for many years in Vietnam.  Yet  he was one of the first who embraced the reconciliation cause between the United States and Vietnam.

<bài viết được chỉnh sửa lúc 11.07.2008 05:07:55 bởi Nguyên Đỗ >
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