Xin kính mời quý bạn đọc của Việt Nam Thư Quán tham dự "Hành Trình Tìm Tự Do", và nghị quyết HR 342 tại Hạ Viện Hoa Kỳ, cũng như Nghị Quyết "May 2nd, Vietnamese Refugees Day" do Thượng Nghị Sĩ Jim Webb đề nghị, và được Thượng Viện Hoa Kỳ thông qua ngày 29 tháng 04, 2009.
Expressing support for designation of May 2, 2009, as
‘‘Vietnamese Refugees Day’’.
Whereas the Library of Congress’ Asian Division together
with many Vietnamese-American organizations across the
United States will sponsor a ‘‘Journey to Freedom: A
Boat People Retrospective’’ symposium on May 2, 2009;
Whereas Vietnamese refugees were asylum-seekers from Communist-
controlled Vietnam;
Whereas many Vietnamese escaped in boats during the late
1970s, after the Vietnam War and by land across the
Cambodian, Laotian, and Thai borders into refugee
camps in Thailand;
Whereas over 2,000,000 Vietnamese boat people and other
refugees are now spread across the world, in the United
April 29, 2009 (1:12 p.m.)
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States, Australia, Canada, France, England, Germany,
China, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, the Philippines,
and other nations;
Whereas over half of all overseas Vietnamese are Vietnamese-
Americans, and Vietnamese-Americans are the fourthlargest
Asian American group in the United States;
Whereas, as of 2006, 72 percent of Vietnamese-Americans
were naturalized United States citizens, the highest rate
among all Asian groups;
Whereas Vietnamese-Americans have made significant contributions
to the rich culture and economic prosperity of
the United States;
Whereas Vietnamese-Americans have distinguished themselves
in the fields of literature, the arts, science, and
athletics, and include actors and actresses, physicists, an
astronaut, and Olympic athletes; and
Whereas May 2, 2009, would be an appropriate day to designate
as ‘‘Vietnamese Refugees Day’’: Now, therefore,
be it
1 Resolved, That the Senate supports the designation
2 of ‘‘Vietnamese Refugees Day’’ in order to commemorate
3 the arrival of Vietnamese refugees in the United States,
4 to document their harrowing experiences, and subsequent
5 achievements in their new homeland, to honor the host
6 countries that welcomed the boat people, and to recognize
7 the voluntary agencies and nongovernmental organizations
8 that facilitated their resettlement, adjustment, and
9 assimilation into mainstream society in the United States.
April 29, 2009 (1:12 p.m.)