Why I want to get my thesis done I really want to get my thesis done soon, well, or at least, get the work done on time, so that
(1) I can graduate;
(2) I can have an amazzzzzzzzzzing GPA , which could possibly help me win a scholarship to do another degree, i.e. to do another thesis;
(3) I can spend all the summer time with my significant other;
(4) I can read books that I’ve bought during the last six months;
(5) I can write some short stories that I’ve been planning;
(6) I can try playing the keyboard again, starting off with the some nice soothing songs of Brian Crain;
(7) I can continue to work on the book that’s got me a prize, and publish it, as I have promised here and there;
(8) I can have lots of time to make peace with my parents;
(9) I can raiontally say “phewwww”;
(1o) I can start learning Spanish again;
(11) I can do more jogging at night;
(12) I can spend more time for voluntary services in the city;
(13) I can erase lots of stuff from the poor little computer. That baby has been working very hard all this time;
(14) I can get some part-time job and earn a bit more of money;
(15) I can sleep whenever I feel tired without feeling guilty;
(16) I can do some stargazing;
(17) I can pat on younger students’ shoulders and say “you know something, i’ve done a thesis!”;
(18) I can tidy up my room and do some housechores, my house’s been a mess for quite a time;
(19) I can have some time to try taking up drawing as a new hobby;
(20) I can practise playing chess more with my computer, I want to beat it, BEAT BEAT BEAT it;
(21) I can, well, stop being nervous/curious/frustrated at how come people have done many good theses but I haven’t. Once my thesis is done, hopefully I will start feeling something more positive – well, people have done well and SO HAVE I, yay!
Conclusion: will start working, immediately, to give myself a chance of getting the thesis done.