Romeo and Juliet
tieuboingoan 18.08.2005 18:36:44 (permalink)
Romeo and Juliet

Long ago in Italy, there were often fights between the great families. Defending the family name was very, very important. The prince of Verona wanted to keep his beautiful city peaceful but it wasn't easy when there were these constant battles. So, when he and his courtiers were walking through the market place one day, he was furious to hear loud voices and the clash of swords. He saw stalls overturned, squashed fruit on the floor, dogs barking and people squabbling.
"Who is responsible for this ?" he cried, angrily.
"It's those Capulets and Montagues, my lord !" a flower seller told him, as she gathered up her broken roses and lavender.
The prince was furious.
"I will not tolerate this!" he shouted. "If i catch those families fighting one more time, they will pay for it with their lives!"
The Capulets had run away the moment they saw the prince and now the Montagues fles, too, doging in and out of the narrow streets.
Among them was Benvolio, a gentle boy, who had been trying to stop the brawl.
"we'd better make ourselves scarce "he urged the others.
"That was magnificent !" laughed one of the brawlers, slipping his dagger back into its sheath and splashing his face with water from the nearby fountain. "I hate the Capulets !"
"So do i, of course" said Benvolio, "but brawling in the market place is not dignified"
The Capulets and Montagues had been squabbling for years, in fact for so long they had forgotten what had started the quarrel.
"Oh Benvolio, there you are" said Romeo, meeting his friend shortly afterwards. He sighed. "Come and talk to me and help me to stop thingking about Rosaline"
"Oh, you're not still mooning over her, are you?" laughed Benvolio. "You're always in love with someone !"
"But this is different" argued Romeo. "Rosaline is the most beautiful girl in Verona...."
"Don't tell me, don't tell me" ,begged Benvolio. "Last week it was Helena, the week before it was Elizabeth..."
"Rosaline is my true love", Romeo insisted, "but she won't see me"
"Look" said Benvilio, " Lord Capulet's having a party tonight and there'll be lots of other girls there. Why don't we go?"
"What, gatecrash a Capulet party? Are you mad? "Romeo cried
"Why not?" said Benvilio, calmly. "It's fancy dress and we'll wear masks so no one will recognize us"
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